My trip to Cadiz was AMAZING! I absolutely loved the beach, and it was a great way to relax and enjoy the scenery. The area was beautiful, and there was a calmness to it. The most significant memory of the beach was when we were walking to a restaurant Sunday night, we passed by people doing Tai Chi facing the sunset near the beach. It must have felt incredible, and my mind was at ease when preparing for the days of school ahead.

School began last week and ink chalking up my entire calendar with homework assignments, due dates for grad schools, and deadlines for the Fulbright. Less time is spent meandering throughout the streets of downtown Sevilla and squandering my limited funds on cute dresses! And with everything that I am doing, I couldn't help but feel as if something was missing from this experience. There was an emptiness that I felt, and I wasn't sure what to make of it until it hit me. . . volunteering!

Having been able to volunteer in India was the highlight of my experience there, and I hope to fill that void soon. As part of my Spanish Culture Up Close course, I will be teaching English to kids in a school around Sevilla! There were opportunities to aid organizations in working to better the lives of marginalized people, but my heart broke a little when I couldn't participate due to my lower proficiency in Spanish. Of course, I will enthusiastically enjoy working with kids and aiding the teachers in the classroom! I also signed up for a paid position to babysit kids and work on their English in their homes. As I help children with their English, I will be practicing my Spanish with another student at Universidad Pablo de Olavide as part of the Intercambios Program, an opportunity to pair up with a Spanish buddy. MORE TALKING!! The amount of excitement that I felt when I found out about these opportunities was equivalent to a MINION with a BANANA (Despicable Me reference)! I look forward to starting!

Honestly, I am determined to make this study abroad experience meaningful on my own terms! I do enjoy relaxing, going to the beach, going out at night, and spending time with other international students. . . but I need more. And the fact of the matter is that there IS more. Buenas noches desde España!!

9/17/2013 02:19:05 pm

Aww that's so cool I know those kids will love you. I'm happy that Spain is treating you so well.


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